General Early Childhood Information For Educators

Santa Claus: Magical or misleading?
Talking to the children in your early education service about Santa and how to answer tricky questions honestly.

Supporting the development of listening skills
Listening is an important lifelong skill, learn how to support children to develop great listening skills.

Vocal strain: Educators at risk
Strategies for preventing vocal strain and promoting good vocal health among busy early educators.

New website promotes play-based learning
Learn about BestStart’s 16 Areas of Play, an evidence-based resource that provides a range of play based learning suggestions.

It's A Small World: The Importance of Small World Play
How educators can facilitate small world play in early learning settings.

New reports unpack practices to boost science education
Two reports from ERO show the importance of teaching STEM skills to children at all ages, including activity ideas and suggestions for educators.

10 ways to be a more reflective educator
Ten top tips for becoming a more reflective early educator, the habit of pausing to think about everyday interactions and how they can be improved.

Supporting neurodiversity in early education settings
The unique needs of neurodiverse children and the important role of early educators in supporting their learning and development.

Embracing the rich resource of cultural and linguistic diversity
Cultural and linguistic diversity is a rich and positive resource which educators can tap into to better support inclusive learning environments as well as the children within them.

Managing aggressive behaviour
Aggressive behaviour is common among young children but can be distressing for educators and other children. Learn how to manage aggressive behaviour and identify it's causes.

Books to boost LGBTQI Inclusion
10 age appropriate picture books celebrating a diverse range of families and children that will boost LGBTQI Inclusion in your early childhood service.

How to host an amazing tour
Learn how to reboot and revive your enrolment strategy by taking a close look at the effectiveness of your tours and how well you are engaging families.

The power of language for thinking and learning
Learn how preschool-aged children use language to think and learn in this contribution by paediatric speech pathologists Tania Kelly and Janice Zee, directors of Little Birdie Books.

Pay boost for ECE teachers
Budget 2020 offered good news for centre based early childhood educators with a pay increase, designed to move them towards parity with teachers in other areas of education.

Kiwi authors celebrate the importance of children’s books
Four Kiwi author/illustrators explain what qualities make a great picture book, what books offer children and how to ensure maximum engagement while reading to children.

What does automation have to do with early childhood?
Is there a role for robots when it comes to caring for and educating young children.

What we can learn from children's drawings of themselves
One of the most consistent pictures children draw is of their family and themselves, with a pet and their house, too. Interestingly, how children draw themselves also alters depending on who sees it.

Have your say - Shaping a Stronger Education System
The government is seeking feedback on the draft National Education and Learning Priorities and the Tertiary Education Strategy.

Fostering a sense of wonder
How to foster a sense of wonder and awe in children and how it benefits them.

The benefits of biophilic design for early learning centres
According to proponents of biophilic building design, as humans have evolved, the divide between the natural environment and the built world has become greater, and the effects are negatively impacting us.

Animals in early learning settings - What you need to know
Children love animals and there are a range of benefits and learning experiences to be gained from keeping animals in early learning services.

The important art of sharing
Basic sharing skills developed in the preschool years can have positive effects on communication and socialisation long into the future.

How Sensory Processing Disorder affects children
Children with SPD experience sensory information but may perceive it abnormally and this can make simple daily tasks a struggle and cause difficulties with learning and making friends.