Have your say - Shaping a Stronger Education System
Published on Tuesday, 08 October 2019
Last updated on Tuesday, 31 December 2019

With a recent report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) confirming that New Zealand is well served by its education system, the government is seeking feedback on the draft National Education and Learning Priorities and the Tertiary Education Strategy.
The Education at a Glance 2019 report, which compares data from 37 OECD countries, and a number of partner countries, and paints an overall picture of success, from early childhood education, where participation rates are high and child-teacher ratios are low, to adult education, where the share of our population with a tertiary qualification is comparatively high.
The government says the knock on effect of this is good news for all New Zealanders.
"Our people are better educated than ever before, and we all benefit. New Zealanders earn at or above the OECD average at every education level, and relative to other countries, employment rates remain high.
While there is always room to do more, this report should give parents, students, educators and employers confidence in our education system, "says the Department of Education.
To this end, the government is currently seeking feedback on its draft National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) and the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES), a set of priorities for practice in places of learning, from early childhood right through to the tertiary sector.
The NELP, once finalised, will set out the government's educational priorities for all state schools, kura, private schools, early learning services, me nga kōhanga reo, and Communities of Learning│K ahui Ako.
In addition, the governing bodies of schools, kura, and early learning services, will use these priorities, alongside their own local priorities, to help every child and young person to progress and achieve to their potential.
Education Minister Chris Hipkins is encouraging New Zealanders to have their say on the future of education in this country, by commenting on the draft NELP.
"Nearly 50,000 New Zealanders told us how they wanted education to change. Today I am releasing a blueprint for that change which aims to give New Zealanders the best education system in the world.
"Agreeing the way forward for education will allow us all to achieve the changes New Zealanders have told us we all want to see in early childhood centres, schools, tertiary institutions and strengthen a system that supports lifelong learning," Chris Hipkins said.
The Minister said the NELP is part of the government's 30-year vision for education and that it is supported by a number of strategic objectives:
- Learners at the centre – learners with their whanau are at the centre of education
- Barrier free access – great education opportunities and outcomes are within reach for every learner
- Quality teaching and leadership – quality teaching and leadership make the difference for learners and their whanau
- Future of learning and work – learning that is relevant to the lives of New Zealanders today and throughout their lives
- World class inclusive public education – New Zealand education is trusted and sustainable
The consultation period on the draft NELP is underway and ends on 25 November, with the final NELP to be published in early 2020. You can have a say and add your thoughts to the national discussion here.
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