Supervised care and recreation for school-aged children during school holidays.
Vacation Care services in Ruapehu District
In Ruapehu District we have 1 Vacation Care services
The average cost is $4.13 hourly, $41.30 daily (10 hours)
The average Education Review Office Rating (ERO) is not available.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An Overview on Babysitting
Babysitter overview: everything you need to know about using a babysitter including costs, what to expect and how to find and interview someone awesome.
Babysitter Checklist
Babysitter checklist: learn how to interview and brief a new babysitter.
Babysitter Tool Kit for Parents
A comprehensive babysitter toolkit which covers everything families need to know about interviewing, choosing and employing a babysitter for their children.
How to find a brilliant babysitter
Whether you're looking for after school assistance, emergency back-up or a cosy date night, there is a babysitter to suit your circumstances.
Parent / Babysitter Notes
Brief your babysitter properly then relax and enjoy your evening out using our printable form covering your kid’s routine, emergency contacts and house rules.
- Aukopae
- Ayers Rock
- Erua
- Hikumutu
- Horopito
- Kaitieke
- Kakahi
- Kirikau
- Makakahi
- Manunui
- Matiere
- Mohakatino
- National Park
- Ngapuke
- Ohakune
- Ohura
- Ongarue
- Orautoha
- Otangiwai
- Otukou
- Owhango
- Parinui
- Pipiriki
- Pureora Forest Park
- Raetihi
- Rangataua
- Raurimu
- Retaruke
- Ruatiti
- Taihape
- Tangarakau
- Tangiwai
- Taringamotu
- Taumarunui
- Tohunga Junction
- Tokirima
- Tongariro
- Tongariro Forest Park
- Tongariro National Park
- Waihaha
- Waimarino
- Waimiha
- Waiouru
- Waiouru Military Area
- Waiouru Military Camp
- Waitaanga
- Whanganui National Park
Neighbouring Territorial Authority
Parent Regional Council
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Vacation Care search to all of