Planned educational programs for 3-5-year-old children in the years before they start school.
Kindergartens in Far North District
In Far North District we have 6 Kindergartens
The average cost is $0.90 hourly, $9.02 daily (10 hours)
The average Education Review Office Rating (ERO) is not available.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An Overview of Before School, After School and School Holiday Child Care Options
Everything you need to know about Outside School Hours (OOSH) Care: including how to find a service near you, costs, school holiday options and more.
How to Choose the Right OOSH Service for Your Child
How to choose the best Outside School Hours Care for your family: including what to think about and look for and choosing the best service for child.
Cost Effective Options for After School Care
Creative and cost effective strategies for families who need outside school hours care and haven’t yet got a spot in their preferred service.
Child Care Strategies for the School Holidays
Tried and tested child care strategies for working parents who only have four weeks leave a year and need to find 12 weeks care for school aged kids.
What is the OSCAR Subsidy?
The ‘Out of School Care and Recreation’ Subsidy helps parents with the cost of after school care.
- Ahipara
- Ahoroa Rock
- Awanui
- Awarua
- Broadwood
- Cable Bay
- Cape Reinga
- Coopers Beach
- Haruru
- Helena Bay
- Herekino
- Herekino Forest
- Hihi
- Horeke
- Houhora
- Hukerenui
- Kaeo
- Kaikohe
- Kaimaumau
- Kaingaroa
- Kaitaia
- Karetu
- Karikari Peninsula
- Kawakawa
- Kerikeri
- Kohukohu
- Lake Ohia
- Mangamuka
- Mangonui
- Maromaku
- Mataraua Forest
- Matauri Bay
- Matawaia
- Mitimiti
- Moerewa
- Motatau
- Motutui Island
- Ngataki
- Ngawha Springs
- Ohaeawai
- Okaihau
- Okiato
- Omahuta Forest
- Omanaia
- Omapere
- Opononi
- Opua
- Opua Forest
- Oromahoe
- Otaua
- Oue
- Paewhenua Island
- Paihia
- Pakaraka
- Panguru
- Paparore
- Parekura Bay
- Pawarenga
- Peria
- Pipiwai
- Pukenui
- Puketi Forest
- Pukewharariki
- Punakitere Valley
- Raetea Forest
- Rawene
- Rawhiti
- Riponui
- Russell
- Russell Forest
- Taheke
- Taipa
- Takahue
- Taupo Bay
- Tautoro
- Te Hapua
- Te Kao
- Te Tii
- Totara North
- Towai
- Umawera
- Waiharara
- Waikare
- Waima
- Waima Forest
- Waimamaku
- Waimate North
- Waiomio
- Waipapa
- Waipapakauri
- Waipoua Forest
- Waipoua Kauri Forest
- Waitangi
- Warawara Forest
- Whakapara
- Whangaroa
- Whangaruru
- Whirinaki
Neighbouring Territorial Authority
Parent Regional Council
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Kindergarten search to all of