Education and care for children under five in the home of either the child or the educator.
Home-based care services in Marlborough District
In Marlborough District we have 4 Home-based care services
The average cost is $7.50 hourly, $75.00 daily (10 hours)
The average Education Review Office Rating (ERO) is not available.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An Overview of Home Based Education and Care
Home-based care is the perfect fit for some families with children cared for in an educator's home.
Home Based Care Checklist
A printable checklist for families to use when visiting home based care services and considering which to choose including questions to ask and what to look for.
What does quality home-based care look like?
Home based care is a flexible way of delivering high quality early childhood education and care services in a home based setting.
A home away from home: How home-based early learning meets a very real need
Erin Maloney the founding director of high quality home based care provider Tiny Nation, explains why home based care is great for for young children.
The move towards a fully qualified home-based ECE workforce
As part of it's Early Learning Action Plan, the government is moving towards a fully qualified workforce in home based early education. This article explains the timelines for introduction.
- Admiralty Bay
- Anakiwa
- Anakoha
- Awatere Valley
- Beatrix Bay
- Big Bay
- Black Rock
- Blackwood Bay
- Blenheim
- Blind River
- Brightlands Bay
- Broughton Bay
- Bulwer
- Burleigh
- Canvastown
- Cape Jackson
- Cissy Bay
- Clarence
- Crail Bay
- Curious Cove
- East Bay
- Elaine Bay
- Endeavour Inlet
- Erie Bay
- Fairhall
- Fairy Bay
- Fitzroy Bay
- Forsyth Bay
- French Pass
- Furneaux
- Glasgow Bay
- Goulter Bay
- Grovetown
- Havelock
- Hawkesbury
- Hitaua Bay
- Homewood
- Islington
- Kaiaho Point
- Kaipakirikiri Bay
- Kaituna
- Kaiuma Bay
- Kauauroa Bay
- Kenepuru Head
- Ketu Bay
- Koromiko
- Koutuwai Point
- Kumutoto Bay
- Lake Grassmere
- Linkwater
- Lower Dashwood
- Mahau Sound
- Manaroa
- Maraetai Bay
- Mayfield
- Melville Cove
- Mills Bay
- Moerepo Island
- Moetapu Bay
- Momorangi Bay
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Richmond Forest Park
- Ngakuta Bay
- Nikau Bay
- Nopera
- North Bank
- North West Bay
- Nydia Bay
- Ohauparuparu Bay
- Okaramio
- Okiwi Bay
- Onahau Bay
- Onamalutu
- Onapua Bay
- Otaki
- Pelorus Bridge
- Picton
- Pinohia
- Port Ligar
- Port Underwood
- Portage
- Pukekoikoi
- Punga Cove
- Raetihi
- Rai Valley
- Rainbow
- Rapaura
- Rarangi
- Redwood Pass
- Redwoodtown
- Renwick
- Resolution Bay
- Riverlands
- Riversdale
- Robin Hood Bay
- Ruakaka Bay
- Saint James Range
- Saint Omer
- Schnapper Point
- Seddon
- Shakespeare Bay
- Ship Cove
- Snake Point
- South East Bay
- Spring Creek
- Springlands
- Squally Cove
- St Arnaud
- Stag And Spey
- Taipare Bay
- Tamuri
- Tawero Point
- Taylor Pass
- Te Mahia
- Te Pangu Bay
- Te Rawa
- Te Towaka
- Te Weuweu Bay
- Tennyson Inlet
- The Pines
- Thomsons Ford
- Titirangi
- Torea Bay
- Totaranui
- Tuamarina
- Umungata Bay
- Waihopai Valley
- Waikawa
- Waiona Bay
- Wairau Valley
- Waitaria Bay
- Waitata
- Waitui Bay
- Wakamarina
- Ward
- West Head
- Whatamango Bay
- Whatanihi
- Whenuanui Bay
- White Horse Rock
- Wither Hills
- Witherlea
- Woodbourne
- Yelverton
- Yncyca Bay
Neighbouring Territorial Authority
Parent Regional Council
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Home-based Care search to all of