About BestStart Lytton
BestStart Lytton, previously TopKids Lytton, provides quality educational childcare in a caring and supportive environment. Our experienced and stable staff team have warm and positive relationships with whanau/families working together to meet children’s development goals. Children learn about the world through play and our centres and teachers provide a nurturing, open and fun environment.
Our purpose-built centre is open Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 5.30pm and cares for children up to 5 years old. We have available full day, morning and afternoon sessions, and offer the Government 20 ECE hours that are free for 3-5 year olds.
Celebrating the many cultures of our children and families, we encourage whanau to join in our celebrations so we can learn and grow. At BestStart Lytton we believe healthy bodies create healthy minds. All our meals are prepared onsite by our chef and use natural ingredients.
Age specific, tailored spaces - Our teaching programme is based on values of respect, responsibility and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment. We have three dedicated rooms caring for children of different age and developmental stages. Each room has their specially designed indoor and outdoor areas, and the teaching team in each room implements teaching methods and strategies tailored to your child's individual interests and needs. Our programme follows Te Whāriki (Early Childhood Curriculum) and BestStart’s unique Be School Ready initiative.
Infants - The infant teachers form close, nurturing relationships with families and we follow each child’s home routine. We create a calm and loving place for our youngest children filled with cuddles and smiles. Culture is a very important part of BestStart Lytton and we have many ways and experiences to help develop cultural identity. Our experienced teachers plan exciting and challenging learning opportunities and environments to stimulate young minds.
Toddlers - Our toddlers are exposed to sensory exploration and encouraged into group play to develop social skills and independence. The children are offered lots of fun and challenging experiences every day. Our very skilled and experienced teachers work closely with the children to help them develop social and self-help skills as well as starting their early literacy and numeracy learning. The teachers are also very experienced in helping children during toilet learning to ensure that they are fully competent and capable when they move to Takaro room.
Preschoolers - The transition into the kindergarten room is carefully planned to ensure the child is developmentally ready and moves with their friend group. The kindergarten room is an exciting place for children where their learning is developed to fulfil their potential. BestStart’s unique Be School Ready initiative prepares children individually and in groups for primary school focusing on literacy, numeracy, socialisation and independence skills.
ERO Rating: Requires further development/Me whakawhanake ake.
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