About BestStart Waitangirua
At BestStart Waitangirua, we care for infants, toddlers and preschoolers aged 0 to 5 years old - the only childcare centre in Waitangirua who does!
We are growing neighbourhood heroes at BestStart Waitangirua (formerly Community Kindy Warspite)!
Our Kindy
We have two learning spaces at our Kindy. The Harakeke Room is for our babies and toddlers and provides a calm yet stimulating environment for your baby to thrive in. Our Awarua Room is home to our preschool whanau and here they are encouraged to think, discuss, problem solve, take calculated risks and develop independence, social and leadership skills. Both rooms enjoy having a lot of fun together.
Our Vision
We are growing neighbourhood heroes at BestStart Waitangirua! We love being a part of the Waitangirua neighbourhood, so you will often find us out on walks and bus trips to see what our neighbourhood has to offer. We also love to give back to our local heroes, who support us in the community. Maybe you have seen us out in the community, giving baking to the road workers, or posting letters up at Waitangirua Mall. We see ourselves as an extension of our neighbourhood, complete with all its heroes.
The relationships we have with our neighbours are so important to us, and so are the relationships we have with our parents and whanau. Our commitment to you as a member of our whanau is that every child in our centre will get the care, encouragement and attention to prepare them for a happy, well-balanced and positive future. We love to spend time with our whanau, and provide a weekly breakfast for all our whanau to come and enjoy before heading off about their day.
ERO Rating: Requires further development/Me whakawhanake ake.
Create a Vacancy Alert!This service has not provided any vacancy details right now and has not specified how long the waiting period is. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact BestStart Waitangirua directly.
We don't have any fee details right now. To find out please contact BestStart Waitangirua directly.
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