Blueskin Playcentre

Waitati School Old North Road - Waitati Otago 9085



Blueskin Playcentre

Waitati School Old North Road
Waitati, Otago 9085

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Contact name: Director
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This service has not provided any vacancy details right now and has not specified how long the waiting period is. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies click here.


We don't have any fee details right now. To find out please contact Blueskin Playcentre directly.


ERO Rating - Well placed/He pai te tūnga More

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  • Communication with Parents
  • Environment & Facilities
  • Food Preparation & Nutrition
  • Health & Safety
  • Learning & Developmental Programs
  • Management Staff & Supervision
  • Value for Money
  • Warmth & Empathy towards children


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