About BestStart Inglewood
Welcome to BestStart Inglewood (formally TopKids Inglewood). Our beautiful centre is located in the middle of Inglewood, allowing us to be actively involved in our community.
BestStart Inglewood is a beautiful, well-resourced centre, with great spaces for young children to grow and develop. We provide a fun, safe and engaging learning environment for all children. Within our centre we have three spaces, each tailored to capture the interests and development for children.
Infants - Our infant nest is designed for our youngest babies, giving them a warm, nurturing and safe environment for them to grow and develop and move in their own time and space.
Toddlers - Our toddler space is a calm, unhurried, spacious environment with a 1:4 ratio, where children are encouraged to build on their motor skills through active movement. This environment supports younger children to build their confidence and explore the environment through open ended resources and interactions.
Preschoolers - Our preschool has a large indoor and outdoor space, with a 1:8 ratio, allowing children to engage in responsive and meaningful interactions with children build trusting relationships which engage and support each child to feel secure, confident and included. Educators support children to collaborate, learn from and help each other, regulate their own behaviour, respond appropriately to the behaviour of others and communicate effectively to resolve conflicts and share ideas.
School visits - We are an official Ká¾±hui Ako (Community of Learners) and support the surrounding schools in creating successful education for Inglewood children. We support whá¾±nau with transition to school visits, promote early literacy and mathematic skills, work alongside children, in conjunction with individual schools, to support skills needed for school such as, social skills, looking after their belongings and following instructions.
Cultural events - We pride ourselves on creating a learning environment that is equitable and inclusive for all children. We celebrate different cultural events within the centre, including Aso Paé Paé, Chinese New Year, Puanga and MasKarra to extend on the knowledge of cultures within the centre and the community. We gather whᾱnau aspirations to ensure we are providing the best learning environment for your child.
Community events - We are fortunate enough to be actively engaged in our community and support through special events such as Daffodil Day, annual Christmas Parade, Americana, Community Fridge, Plunket and dress up days to support other occasions. We also hold community events within the centre such as whá¾±nau education, community breakfasts/lunches and raise money for the community or whá¾±nau in need. We support local businesses within our community, such as regular visits to Marinoto to be involved in their planned routine, support local shops with purchases and positively promote them in the community.
BestStart Inglewood’s vision ‘Embracing Community’, provides the best learning environment for you and your child and we would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to our centre.
ERO Rating: Well placed/He pai te tūnga.
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