Purpose built education and care services, which focus on play-based learning for children aged zero-five
Childcare services in Far North District
In Far North District we have 105 Childcare services
The average cost is $5.38 hourly, $53.75 daily (10 hours)
The average Education Review Office Rating (ERO) is not available.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An overview of Kōhanga Reo
Kohanga Reo are language nests that care for young children in a Maori cultural environment and there’s a focus on social development for all ages.
Overview on teacher-led vs parent or Whānau-led child care
In teacher-led services, paid staff have the main responsibility for children’s care and education.
How to celebrate indigenous languages in your centre
Languages link us to individual identity, traditional culture and memory, learn how to celebrate diverse languages in your service.
How to help your child successfully settle in to child care
Being the new kid on the block can be a daunting experience for young children. To help your tyke get off to a great start, here are some ways to prepare them for life at care.
How Is Child Care Quality Ensured?
How quality early childhood education and care is delivered in different settings, and what parents can do if they’re concerned about something.
- Ahipara
- Ahoroa Rock
- Awanui
- Awarua
- Broadwood
- Cable Bay
- Cape Reinga
- Coopers Beach
- Haruru
- Helena Bay
- Herekino
- Herekino Forest
- Hihi
- Horeke
- Houhora
- Hukerenui
- Kaeo
- Kaikohe
- Kaimaumau
- Kaingaroa
- Kaitaia
- Karetu
- Karikari Peninsula
- Kawakawa
- Kerikeri
- Kohukohu
- Lake Ohia
- Mangamuka
- Mangonui
- Maromaku
- Mataraua Forest
- Matauri Bay
- Matawaia
- Mitimiti
- Moerewa
- Motatau
- Motutui Island
- Ngataki
- Ngawha Springs
- Ohaeawai
- Okaihau
- Okiato
- Omahuta Forest
- Omanaia
- Omapere
- Opononi
- Opua
- Opua Forest
- Oromahoe
- Otaua
- Oue
- Paewhenua Island
- Paihia
- Pakaraka
- Panguru
- Paparore
- Parekura Bay
- Pawarenga
- Peria
- Pipiwai
- Pukenui
- Puketi Forest
- Pukewharariki
- Punakitere Valley
- Raetea Forest
- Rawene
- Rawhiti
- Riponui
- Russell
- Russell Forest
- Taheke
- Taipa
- Takahue
- Taupo Bay
- Tautoro
- Te Hapua
- Te Kao
- Te Tii
- Totara North
- Towai
- Umawera
- Waiharara
- Waikare
- Waima
- Waima Forest
- Waimamaku
- Waimate North
- Waiomio
- Waipapa
- Waipapakauri
- Waipoua Forest
- Waipoua Kauri Forest
- Waitangi
- Warawara Forest
- Whakapara
- Whangaroa
- Whangaruru
- Whirinaki
Neighbouring Territorial Authority
Parent Regional Council
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Child Care search to all of