Parenting & Family Life

How to Find the Best Quality Child Care Tool Kit for Parents
Factors to consider when choosing child care: types of care, what service would best suit your child’s temperament and how to choose the best service for your family.

A Child Care Tool Kit for First Time Parents
A toolkit to support parents as they transition back to work after parental leave including financial support, work life balance and adjusting to child care.

How do I choose an early childhood education service?
There are many great reasons for your child to attend ECE but the big question is – which service is the right fit for your family?

Rise and Shine How night nannies are helping sleepy NZ families
Night nannies are popular in other parts of the world, and it seems New Zealanders are starting to see the light when it comes to this form of child care.

Strategies For Easing Separation Anxiety
How to deal with separation anxiety including tips and tricks to help parents and children cope on the first day of child care and in the longer term.

Choosing Child Care for Special Needs Children
Strategies for finding and securing high quality child care services for children with additional or special needs and what to look out for when choosing care.

How to manage issues with your child care service
Stress free strategies for quickly and effectively managing issues with your child care service using openness, positive communication and a problem solving approach.

How to Use an Agency to Find a Nanny, Au Pair or Babysitter
Using an agency to source a nanny, au pair or babysitter saves time and effort but there are a few things it is useful to be aware of before you start the process.

Your child's mental health
Most parents can spot a gunky eye or a grazed knee from a mile off, but when it comes to a youngster's mental health, it seems that many mums and dads are in the dark.

7 life skills that will help your child succeed
The skills that will help your child thrive in their current and future lives; and how you can nurture these skills in your youngster's day-to-day activities.

The Great Waiting Game
Winning the waiting list war: An overview of waitlists including how much they cost and how to maximise the chances of securing a spot in your preferred service.

Supporting children to thrive in care
Whether your little one launches into child care without looking back or struggles with separation anxiety at drop-off time, it's important to support them in care.

Securing special occasion child care
'Tis the season for Christmas lunches and New Year's Eve parties, and although these events aren't always kid-friendly, it is possible for parents to join in the festivities.

A new way to balance the child care workload between parents?
The growing popularity of the baby-nup is shifting the focus from marriage to children, and this parental agreement promises fairness and transparency around child care and chores.

Alleviating parental concerns around child care
According to a national parenting survey, parents in Auckland are more likely to feel 'extreme concern' about putting their children in day care, than parents in any other city.

What to Do When You Can't Find Child Care?
Creative child care options and alternatives for people who haven’t been able to secure their preferred type of child care service and need to return to work.

Starting early childhood education and care next year?
Steps that parents need to take before dropping their child off for the first day in care.

Establishing a great night routine for your family
Good night time routines start from the moment your family gets home from work, school, or child care.

Single Parents and Child Care
Single parents using child care services face different challenges to two parent families, this article aims to provide answers to common questions.

Why is it important to build a good relationship with your child's educator?
How early learning educators support our under fives and set them up for future success.

5 ways to give thanks to educators
Five thoughtful thank you gifts for your child’s early educator.

The best parenting style for kids
Learn whether you are a Rock, Paper or Tree parent and how this impacts your parenting style.

Forging a more gender equal future
Jamila Rizvi co-editor of Work.Love.Body explains why the child care load should be more fairly distributed in families and more.

New study links masculine traits with positive fathering
New research suggests old-fashioned masculine traits such as competitiveness may contribute to positive fathering.

Introducing paid bereavement leave for miscarriage
How Aotearoa’s new Bereavement Leave for Miscarriage works for parents who lose a baby and what women need to do to access this leave from their employer.

8 ways families can heal the planet
8 simple, effective and empowering ideas for families who want to reduce their environmental impact.

A spotlight on the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
Triple P’s Jackie Riach explains how this internationally-acclaimed program supports parents with proven parenting strategies.

Guilt-free TV: 10 enriching shows for under-fives
With many parents feeling guilty about excessive screen time, this article offers 10 TV choices for children, which are age appropriate and educational.

Wonderful wooden toys for under fives
Jenna Winter and Alesha Capewell from Expressions of Winter explain why wooden toys are such a precious and timeless gift.

A delicious way to celebrate Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is this Sunday 9 May and what better way to celebrate than to cook Baked Potato Gnocchi alla Sorrentina from Simple Italian by Silvia Colloca.

New guidelines around eating and activity during pregnancy and breastfeeding
The Ministry of Health’s revised guidelines for pregnant and breastfeeding women aim to ensure optimal health and wellbeing for mums and bubs.

New research around positive discipline and the role of educators
Save The Children research shows how kiwi parents view discipline and how positive parenting practices can be used to address challenging behaviour at home and child care.

How to choose the right pet for your family
Six important factors to think about if you are considering buying a family pet, as suggested by Dr Kaylene Jones from the Australian Veterinary Association

Resources to support your child’s early literacy success
How the evidence based Better Start Literacy Approach can support your child’s early efforts at reading, writing and oral language development.

Expert tips to help parents stay calm and connected
Psychologist and author of Smart Mothering Dr Natalie Flynn explains how to stay calm and connected as we raise our children, nourish our relationships and look after ourselves.

Key ways to support your child’s mental health
How parents can support their child’s mental health and emotional wellbeing to build resilience in the early years and beyond.

How early learning educators help children prepare for school
How early educators can work to support children to transition to big school.

The Best STEM Toys for Christmas
Christmas is just around the corner and this article offers parents and carers a range of educational and cost effective toys, which support the development of STEM skills.

It’s Guinness World Records Day – How to celebrate
Today Wednesday 18 November is World Guinness Record Day and to celebrate we have three ideas to try with your family along with suggestions for breaking your own records at home.

How sibling conflict can actually benefit children
Eight tips for managing conflict between siblings and how sibling rivalry can benefit children through supporting the development of conflict management skills.

A new Reading Ambassador role and expert recommendations for children’s books
In this interview with Kate De Goldi from the Te Puna Foundation learn about NZ’s Reading Ambassador and her top book recommendations for preschoolers.

The importance of good routines at home and in child care
Children thrive in consistent, predictable environments and with strong routines. This article explains how to streamline routines across home and child care.

6 ways to keep young children busy (and happy) indoors
6 ideas for keeping your child happy, busy and entertained when you are indoors and the 6 protective factors parents can employ to scaffold children during stressful times.

How can parents and children prepare for a natural disaster?
The National Emergency Management Agency Te Rakau Whakamarumaru explains how families can plan and prepare for a natural disaster and how to get involved in ShakeOut.

The best way to clean your baby or child’s car seat
7 simple steps to cleaning your child’s car seat and offers suggestions for keeping it clean moving forward.

How to optimise video calls between grandparents and under fives
Strategies for hosting a successful video chat with grandparents and staying connected for families who have been separated by COVID-19.

How to celebrate Māori Language Week
Ways for families to participate in Maori Language Week, including learning one Maori word per day, creating an activity book and learning to sing the national anthem in Maori.

The benefits of ‘Dad play’ in a child’s first years
Research from from Cambridge University, shows father-child play from an early age can help children manage behavioural problems, including aggression.

8 ways to make Dad smile this Father’s Day
9 simple, kid-friendly activity and craft activities to celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday 6 September and make all the dads feel loved on their special day.

A spotlight on Plunket’s pregnancy and parenting services
This interview with Plunket discusses a range of services and resources available to children and families and explains why parents should never hesitate to access these services.

The growing influence of Generation Alpha
The advantages and disadvantages of life for Generation Alpha.

Planning for child care while pregnant
Pregnancy is the perfect time to start thinking and planning your child care strategy, how to access government payments and choose a child care provider.

The significant rise in preschoolers using Te Reo Māori
New research has demonstrated greater knowledge and use of Te Reo Maori among preschool-aged children. This article looks at the research, explains why it is important and how parents can boost their child’s Te Reo skills.

Burns prevention for young children
Strategies for keeping young children safe around fire and heat sources over the cooler months of winter. Including references and resources for future reading.

The rise of artificial intelligence in child care
Artificial intelligence is making great inroads in early education, some of the apps and technologies changing the face of parenting.

Roll up, roll up for the Red Nose Appeal!
Red Nose day is the biggest fundraising campaign for Cure Kids, NZ’s leading child health research charity. This article explains how to get involved in this worthwhile cause.

News flash! It is possible to prevent the ‘terrible twos’
Research has shown that the terrible twos may not be an inevitable development stage and that parenting style can influence toddler behaviour.

Recent trends in baby names
The McCrindle Baby names report tallies up which names are most popular for newborns and identifies key trends among parents.

How to keep the kitchen clean when cooking with young kids
Strategies for keeping your kitchen clean and safe when cooking with preschoolers.

The benefits of pretend play
Pretend play can turn a boring day at home into an exciting adventure. Learn how to take your child on a pretend camping trip.

5 ways to connect with grandparents
5 ways children can stay in touch with grandparents regardless of distance, in the face of COVID-19 lockdowns.

5 ways to help your child cope with stress
5 ways parents can help children manage their stress along with simple activity ideas that can be easily implemented.

Why is ‘dialogic reading’ so helpful for under fives?
Dialogic reading is an approach to early literacy which encourages children to be active participants when sharing a book with their parents.

The importance of good sleep at child care and beyond
The importance of good sleep at child care and beyond.

How to get on the same wavelength as your infant
Research has shown that the brain waves of babies and their parents synch up during play time helping to establish bonds between children and their care givers.

5 ways to make Mother’s Day special in isolation
5 fun, kid friendly ideas for making Mother’s Day special for all the hard working mums out there.

How to deal with techno-tantrums
Although an age-appropriate amount of screen time can be beneficial for children’s learning, too much time on a digital device does your child no favours.

How fewer toys leads to higher quality play
Raise Early Years director, Mandy Richardson describes how decluttering your child’s toy box to include a few simple open-ended play objects leads to higher quality and more sustained play.

Positive ways to help your child with their homework
Four strategies to support your child to complete their homework, without completing it for them and how setting good habits early on can support children as they progress.

How to reduce separation anxiety for children in care
Strategies for easing separation anxiety and settling children into care.

How music-making benefits children
The developmental benefits of making music at home and simple cost effective ideas for boosting musical experiences.

How to organise child care when you travel for work
Learn how to plan for and execute work trips when you have small children at home.

How to celebrate International Women’s Day
The theme for International Women’s Day emphasises that each person’s actions, conversations and behaviours impact society on the whole.

11 ways to make child care mornings easier
11 super easy and effective strategies for streamlining your morning routine to ensure everything gets done with minimal stress and with maximum effectiveness.

Support available to parents of multiples
Parenting multiples can be physically-demanding and emotionally exhausting – especially in the first years.

Experience gifts for young children
Santa's workshop is full of dolls, trucks and DUPLO sets, but before you order your child yet another toy for Christmas, why not think outside the box?

How to know if your child is school-ready
Is your child ready to transition to big school? Learn to identify the signs.

How 'technoference' impacts modern families
How mobile technology can interrupt a family's flow.

How to deal with pester power
Tantrum management and turning a blind eye to pester power, learn how.

Is there too much sugar in baby food?
Why World Health Organization (WHO) reckons commercial baby foods aren't quite as healthy as they're cracked up to be.

The truth about why children lie
Is fibbing among kids as bad as it sounds and what to do if you're worried.

The high cost of child care for New Zealand families
We all want the very best care for our children but quality early childhood education and care comes at a price.

The age old problem of nappy rash
How modern nappy manufacturers are looking at high-tech ways to keep little bottoms clean and dry.

What to do if your child doesn't want to go to child care
Coping with child care refusal on those mornings when your little one just doesn't want to go.

The rules around car seat safety
Protecting children from accidents when travelling in the family car.

How to find the best bike for your young child
Building bicycle skills and confidence among preschoolers.

How to support your child's friendships in the early years
Friendships are important at all ages, learn how to support your child's friendships in the early years.

How to build your child's fine motor skills
Fine motor skills involve the coordination of a child's brain and muscles to make small, yet important, movements.

What does the '3 day stay' policy mean for new mums?
In the first days, a new mum might feel exhausted and overwhelmed and that's the reason for the three-day-stay.

How to keep baby teeth healthy
Keeping baby teeth healthy and the important role they play in your child's mouth.

5 vacation care strategies for working parents
Holiday ideas for the winter break.

What is postnatal depletion?
Pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and keeping up with a little one takes a lot of energy, and may lead to post-natal depletion.

How to build resilience in your child
Supporting children to develop resilience and the ability to cope when things go wrong and overcome unexpected challenges in their life.

How to assemble a healthy lunch box
Good food is essential for the healthy growth and development of young children. Toddlers and preschoolers can be a picky bunch so it's important to get nutritious meals into them.

The ins and outs of toilet-training
Why waiting for the signs that your child is ready to start toilet training can speed the process.

Great reasons to get out in the garden with your children
Whether they're sprinkling seeds or raking weeds, gardening is a fun and fruitful activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

What to do if your child is bitten in child care
Biting is common among young children and, to a degree, is considered normal toddler behaviour, but it's still hard to swallow!

Screen time - Why less is best for preschoolers
Tablets and TV can be a tempting way to entertain preschoolers, but according to recent research, too much screen time can do more harm than good.

Ways for working mums to find a better balance
The challenges mums face when balancing child care with the working week.