General Information On Child Care

What types of child care are there?
An overview of the different child care services available to families, including centre based care and in-home care options, and how families can access them.

What is the best age to start child care?
Information for parents trying to determine the best time to put their child in a child care service for the first time including personality factors to consider.

Which child care is best?
It is important to compare the pros and cons of the different types of child care.

How to help your child successfully settle in to child care
Being the new kid on the block can be a daunting experience for young children. To help your tyke get off to a great start, here are some ways to prepare them for life at care.

What is high-quality child care?
A definition of high quality early childhood education and care based on the experience of researchers, early childhood providers, parents and experts in the field.

End of Year - Child Care Checklist
A few key things you need to make sure are done before you pack up for the silly season.

Successfully using grandparents for child care
Tips and tricks for successfully incorporating grandparents in your child care arrangements, including payment, checking in, rules, guidelines and more.

An overview of Te Kura
Te Kura provides learning programmes for pre-schoolers who can’t attend another early childhood education service.

An overview of Kōhanga Reo
Kohanga Reo are language nests that care for young children in a Maori cultural environment and there’s a focus on social development for all ages.

What is PORSE?
PORSE is a home-based child care and education and training business founded in 1990 by Jenny Yule.

Child care for people who work non-standard hours
Child care strategies for families who work outside normal business hours.

Happy Holidays
Xmas Message from the team at

5 ways to give thanks to educators
Five thoughtful thank you gifts for your child’s early educator.

What matters most in quality early learning
The ERO’s What Matters Most Guide is a useful tool for families considering early education options.

5 signs of a happy early childhood education centre
5 things you’ll see in a happy child care service and why this is important.

How to choose the best child care centre
Five top tips from the experts at Guardian Education and Kids & Co clinical psychology on how to identify and choose the best early education setting for your child and what factors are most important.

How early learning educators help children prepare for school
How early educators can work to support children to transition to big school.

New research says boys benefit from starting child care early
New research from Canada has shown that boys who start child care early may be more likely to finish high school and be financially successful.

How do educators teach under-fives to be kind?
Early childhood services are a supportive and nurturing environment for preschool-aged children to learn about kindness and respect.

How to plan child care in times of uncertainty
Learn why it is important to have a back up plan in case your usual child care falls through and how to develop a range of contingencies to suit different circumstances.

How to optimise video calls between grandparents and under fives
Strategies for hosting a successful video chat with grandparents and staying connected for families who have been separated by COVID-19.

What is The Curiosity Approach?
The Curiosity Approach a relatively new early education pedagogy which aims to foster children’s awe and wonder through beautiful environments and simple non-prescriptive play equipment.

Planning for child care while pregnant
Pregnancy is the perfect time to start thinking and planning your child care strategy, how to access government payments and choose a child care provider.

The rise of artificial intelligence in child care
Artificial intelligence is making great inroads in early education, some of the apps and technologies changing the face of parenting.

What are the features of a high-quality early childhood education service?
9 ways to identify a high-quality early education service and how to choose the best service for your child and family.

How qualified is our early learning workforce?
The Early Learning Action Plan outlines a series of initiatives to boost qualifications among our early education workforce. Learn what changes are planned.

A home away from home: How home-based early learning meets a very real need
Erin Maloney the founding director of high quality home based care provider Tiny Nation, explains why home based care is great for for young children.

Immunity boosters for kids in care
Learn how to boost your child’s natural immunity and keep them well over the winter months while they are in care.

Good news for low-paid early childhood educators
Budget 2020 delivered a significant pay increase to teachers working in early education centres to bring them closer to their colleagues in kindergartens and primary schools.

Child care offered outside normal business hours
Rainbow Corner Flat Bush Early Learning Centre is extending it's operating hours in an attempt to better meet the child care needs of working families.

What does quality home-based care look like?
Home based care is a flexible way of delivering high quality early childhood education and care services in a home based setting.

What the Early Learning Action Plan means for children, parents, whānau and ECE services
After extensive consultation with the early childhood sector, families and whanau the government’s Early Learning Action Plan has been released.

How to reduce separation anxiety for children in care
Strategies for easing separation anxiety and settling children into care.

Gift ideas for your child's educators
Early childhood educators work hard all year to provide our children with safe, stimulating and fun experiences, and now is the season to give a little back.

Earthquake education for under sixes
ShakeOut the national earthquake drill and tsunami hikoi teaches all New Zealanders what to do when a natural disaster strikes.

KidsCan - The pilot programme supporting underprivileged preschoolers
Charity, KidsCan, is running a pilot programme to support around 950 needy under fives in early childhood centres in Northland, Auckland and Hawke's Bay.