Supervised care and recreation for school-aged children before school starts, usually from 7-9am.
Before School Care services in Southland District
In Southland District we have 0 Before School Care services
The average cost is $5.50 hourly, $55.00 daily (10 hours)
The average Education Review Office Rating (ERO) is not available.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An Overview of Before School, After School and School Holiday Child Care Options
Everything you need to know about Outside School Hours (OOSH) Care: including how to find a service near you, costs, school holiday options and more.
How to Choose the Right OOSH Service for Your Child
How to choose the best Outside School Hours Care for your family: including what to think about and look for and choosing the best service for child.
Child Care Strategies for the School Holidays
Tried and tested child care strategies for working parents who only have four weeks leave a year and need to find 12 weeks care for school aged kids.
What is the OSCAR Subsidy?
The ‘Out of School Care and Recreation’ Subsidy helps parents with the cost of after school care.
- 5638
- Acton
- Anderson Park
- Aparima
- Ardlussa
- Argyle Corner
- Argyle Hill
- Arran Island
- Ashers
- Athol
- Awarua Wetlands
- Awatere
- Bald Hill
- Balfour
- Barnhill
- Bayswater
- Beaumont
- Belle Vue Island
- Benmore
- Birchwood
- Blackmount
- Branxholme
- Braxton
- Browns
- Brydone
- Buncrana Island
- Bute Island
- Caroline
- Castle Downs
- Castlerock
- Catlins Forest Park
- Cattle Flat
- Centre Bush
- Centre Hill
- Centre Island
- Clifden
- Colac Bay
- Cumbrae Island
- Curio Bay
- Dacre
- Dean
- Dipton
- Dipton West
- Dot Island
- Doubtful Island
- Drummond
- Dunearn
- Dunrobin
- Dunsdale
- Eastern Bush
- Edendale
- Entrance Island
- Erin Island
- Ermedale
- Fairfax
- Fairlight
- Feldwick
- Fiordland National Park
- Five Roads
- Flints Bush
- Fortification
- Fortrose
- Freshford
- Garston
- Gladfield
- Glencoe
- Glenham
- Glenure
- Gorge Road
- Gowan Hill
- Greenstone
- Gropers Bush
- Grove Burn
- Grove Bush
- Gummies Bush
- Haldane
- Halfmoon Bay
- Hamilton Burn
- Happy Valley
- Hazletts
- Heddon Bush
- Hedgehope
- Hillside
- Hokonui
- Hokonui Hills
- Holmwood Island
- Inch Keith
- Irthing
- Isla Bank
- Isolde Island
- Jamestown
- Josephville
- Kamahi
- Kapuka
- Kapuka South
- Kauana
- Kennington
- Kingston
- Kingston Crossing
- Koinga Island
- Lee Island
- Lillburn
- Limehills
- Lintley
- Lochiel
- Lone Island
- Longbush
- Longridge
- Longridge North
- Longwood
- Lorneville
- Lower Nevis
- Lowther
- Lumsden
- Mabel Bush
- Mahara Island
- Makarewa
- Manapouri
- Mandeville
- Mary Island
- Mataura Island
- Mavora
- Menzies Ferry
- Merrivale
- Mervyn Island
- Mid Dome
- Milford Sound
- Mimihau
- Mokoreta
- Mokotua
- Monowai
- Morton Mains
- Mossburn
- Mount Aspiring National Park
- Mount Hamilton
- Mount Linton
- Mount Prospect
- Niagara
- Nightcaps
- Nine Mile
- Nokomai
- Northope
- Ohai
- Old Man Range
- Opio
- Oporo
- Orawia
- Orepuki
- Oreti Plains
- Otahu Flat
- Otahuti
- Otaitai Bush
- Otapiri
- Otapiri Gorge
- Otara
- Otautau
- Oteramika
- Oware
- Pahia
- Papatotara
- Parawa
- Pebbly Hill
- Piano Flat
- Piko Piko
- Pine Bush
- Pomona Island
- Potters
- Pourakino Valley
- Progress Valley
- Pukemaori
- Quarry Hills
- Rakahouka
- Raymonds Gap
- Redan
- Rimu
- Ringway
- Riversdale
- Riverton
- Riverton Racecourse
- Rona Island
- Roslyn Bush
- Round Hill
- Rowallan
- Ruahine
- Ryal Bush
- Sandstone
- Scotts Gap
- Seaward Downs
- Slope Point
- Slopedown
- South Hillend
- Spar Bush
- Springhills
- St Patricks
- Steeple Burn
- Stewart Island/Rakiura
- Tahakopa Valley
- Taramoa
- Taringatura
- Te Anau
- Te Anau Downs
- Te Tipua
- Te Waewae
- The Key
- Thomsons Crossing
- Thornbury
- Tihaka
- Tinkertown
- Tokanui
- Tuatapere
- Tussock Creek
- Tuturau
- Twinlaw
- Underwood
- Upper Charlton
- Waianiwa
- Waihoaka
- Waikaia
- Waikawa
- Waikawa Valley
- Waikouro
- Waimahaka
- Waimatua
- Waimatuku
- Waimea
- Waimumu
- Waipango
- Waiparu
- Waipounamu
- Wairaki
- Wairaurahiri
- Wairio
- Waitane West
- Wakapatu
- Wallacetown
- Wendon
- Wendonside
- West Dome
- Wether Hill
- Whare Creek
- Winton
- Woodlands
- Woodlaw
- Wreys Bush
- Wrights Bush
- Wyndham
Neighbouring Territorial Authority
Parent Regional Council
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